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You Need to Get Out of the Way
An obstacle prevented me from cleaning my office for six years.
No, it wasn’t busyness.
No, I wasn’t conducting an observation on the life cycle of dust bunnies.
And no, the Trilateral Commission wasn’t hiding documents of international security under my desk.
That same obstacle stands in the way of Illumify flourishing, unfettered.
It also stands in the way of me embarking on a new direction as a writer—historical fiction.
The biggest obstacle to my success is...gulp...ME.
And the biggest obstacle to you finishing your manuscript, selling more books—really the biggest obstacle to everything you want in life—is YOU.
It’s a big pill to swallow but it’s true.
Giving up on your writing dreams isn’t the solution.
Seven Ideas to Help You Get Out of the Way
Here are seven ideas that will help prevent you from hindering your writing success.
Idea #1. Humble yourself. The problem with most authors is they think they can solve their problems on their own.
They can’t.
Admit that you can be the biggest obstacle to your success. If you don’t,
you’re just nailing one foot to the floor, walking in circles, and asking yourself why you aren’t getting anywhere.
You need help.
More on this in #7.
Idea #2. Stop overthinking. Some authors just can’t get out of their own way. Paralysis by analysis.
I’ve shared this before but it’s worth repeating. My favorite quote on writing comes from Winston Churchill, who once said:
“Writing is an adventure. To begin with, it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public.”
You’re not going to write the perfect book and you will generate negative reviews on Amazon if you have something to say.
So kill the monster and fling him to the public!
Idea #3. Stop trying to do everything. Think about the hours of quality writing time you forfeit by trying to acquire new skills that aren't core to writing your manuscript.
Focus on writing.
Let somebody else design your cover, copyedit your manuscript, and create your interior design.
Idea #4. Stop talking and get to work. This is a pothole I step into far too often. I talk about doing something. I talk about it so much that I convince myself I’m doing it when I’m not.
It’s what I call "virtual writing."
Talking about researching your book doesn’t mean you’re researching your book.
Talking about writing your
manuscript doesn’t mean you’re writing your manuscript.
Talking about promoting your book doesn’t mean you’re promoting your book.
Just write.
Idea #5. Exercise those self-discipline muscles. Your manuscript isn’t going to write itself. And if you wait until you feel the creative juices flowing before you start writing, your writing dreams will remain unfulfilled.
If you create a long list of to-dos, you’ll quickly get overwhelmed
and you’ll quit. Instead, start small and slowly work bigger.
If you struggle with self-discipline, start by blocking out an hour every Saturday morning to write. Then broaden it to an hour and a half. Then two hours. Then perhaps block out an hour one weekday a week.
Idea #6. Think it into existence. Wise King Solomon once wrote, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” We become our thoughts.
I’ve read studies where two pianists were asked to play a piece of music. The first pianist rehearsed the piece in their head. The second one
did not. The first pianist actually improved in their ability to play the piece of music.
What thoughts rummage around in your head?
That you aren’t a good enough writer?
That you won’t be able to sell any books?
Change your thoughts and you’ll change your life.
Idea #7. Get outside help. You can’t do it alone, nor should you.
Looking at my messy home office overwhelmed me to the point that I didn't know where to start. But my wife did and without her help, my office would still be a disaster area.
In the same way, writing and publishing a book can be overwhelming to the point of being paralyzing.
Perhaps you're wrestling with one or more of the these questions:
- What should and shouldn’t be in my manuscript?
- How clear is my writing?
- Do I need a copyeditor? (hint: EVERYONE needs a
- Where do I find a copyeditor who actually knows what they’re doing?
- How do I put together a book cover that hits the target?
- How do I get my book on Amazon?
The questions are endless.
This week, an author told me, “What gets me so excited about Illumify is that you
offer the whole package. You give me everything I need to produce a transcendent book.”
Look, I know we’re not the only publisher out there. But I can’t think of one other publisher that offers you everything you need to keep you from being overwhelmed at every point of the publishing process.
Don’t stand in the way of your bestseller.
Click here to schedule a meeting and let's chart a clear path for you to write, publish, and promote your book.