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Can You Relate to This Song?
Most authors I know sing the Platform-Building Blues. It goes something like this:
I started with hope, but it's turned to despair,
My blog and tweets, nobody cares,
In this vast ocean, I'm just a grain of sand,
My voice
so small in this endless expanse.
Oh, the Platform-Building Blues,
I'm just a writer, slowly paying my dues,
Lost in a world where nobody's news,
With my pen and platform, I feel I'm going to lose.
It's pretty good, isn't it?!?
Here are six ideas to get you off dead center.
Idea #1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself
Look—every author has to do it. So suck it up, and start taking the steps that will turn your dream into reality.
Idea #2. Change your self-talk
Last week, I was talking to our book coach, Karen Bouchard, about this.
“I decided to change the way I talk to myself, first thing in the morning,” she said. “When I wake up I tell
myself, ‘Today is going to be a great day! I’m going to accomplish everything I need to get accomplished today.’”
In the same way, instead of saying, “I dread promoting my book,” you could tell yourself, “People need to hear what I have to say. I can’t wait to share it.’”
You do believe that, don't you?
Trust me, this isn’t woo-woo stuff. I’ve read legitimate scientific studies that prove positive self-talk helps us accomplish more in our day, even the things we don’t like to do.
Idea #3. Join a supportive community
This is hu-u-u-u-ge!
In the Denver area, where I live, we have a community of around 750 writers. Most remain online, but once a
month I lead a writers group that mostly meets in person.
Last week, our speaker spoke on the topic, “Book Promotion for Introverts.”
When you’re part of a writing community, you can swap ideas, learn something new, and hold each other
Idea #4. Pick one thing and do it well
Part of what makes book promotion so overwhelming is that we look at all the options and assume we need to do everything.
Pro Writing Tip: You can't do everything.
Read. That. Again!
Try your hand at building and promoting a Facebook fan page.
Try your hand at Instagram or Tic Tok.
Start a blog.
Do one thing well and build your fan base.
Idea #5. THEN. STICK. WITH. IT!!
Years ago, before Illumify was even a gleam in my eye, I launched a blog where I invited people to read through the Bible in a year. The first three months I hardly generated a peep.
But I continued blogging six days a week. I promise you, it was exhausting.
Then, after five months of dismal results, my blog exploded. Suddenly I was reaching thousands of people in Australia, Saudi Arabia, Europe…even New York.
Idea #6. Join Us A Week From Today
Attend our “Marketing Office Hours with Erika Bryant” on Monday, February 12 at 6:30 pm MT. I wrote in last week’s post that Erika is my marketing coach—and she’s so amazing I
want to share her with you.
Two topics she’s going to share during our time together are:
- Book Promotion for Fiction, and
- How to be as Guest on Podcasts
Here podcast idea, alone, is sooo
worth the time!
Trust me—she’s not going to give you the tired, old ideas for book promotion.
Erika charges me $350 an hour to meet with her. But on Monday, February 12, the cost to you is an investment of only $100.
Come with your questions, because we'll make room for you to get your answers.
Please join us!
Marketing Office Hours with
Erika Bryant
6:30 pm Mountain Time
Monday, February 12
Only $100