Between 2020 and 2030, audio books are expected to grow almost 25 percent per year.
Imagine your retirement growing 25 percent a year for a decade.
Let's look at the reasons.
Reason #1. Audiobooks tell tales as old as time
Books are all about storytelling, and storytelling is as old as human history. Come to think of it, storytelling predates the written word. We naturally enjoy listening to stories.
What’s more fun than telling stories around the campfire or the dinner table? Audiobooks take your readers back to those enjoyable times.
Reason #2. Audiobooks bring your message or story to a broader audience
The crazy growth in the audio book market expands the reach of your book to non-readers.
You can take this to the bank: Many people only listen to audiobooks.
Just the other day, I read that 33 percent
of all high school graduates never read another book the rest of their lives and 80 percent of all US families did not buy or read a book last year.
Your audio book brings your release to those people.
Not only do audio books broaden your audience, but they make it available to people who either can’t read (the visually impaired) or aren’t able to read in the moment (driving, lifting weights at the gym, or multitasking household chores).
There’s an ancient Hebrew word—selah—that most scholars believe to mean “reflect and meditate” what was just
Some people—like me—are visual learners. I need to read it to comprehend it.
other people are auditory learners. Their comprehension increases when they listen.
Your book must be available in multiple formats to secure the largest possible audience.
Reason #3. Audiobooks expand your opportunities as a writer
Look at it this way: adding an audiobook doubles your opportunities to make a sale.
It’s never too late to make an audiobook for your book. In many instances, an audiobook created long after the print
book release has stimulated new sales and lifted an author to new heights of popularity.
A quality audiobook can also elevate an author’s reputation. If you narrate your audiobook, your voice takes center stage, and demonstrates your public speaking abilities, which can open the door for speaking gigs, podcasts, or TV and radio interviews.
Reason #4. Audiobooks enhance your readers’ experience
When an audiobook is good, listening to it is better than reading the print book. With the right narration, an audiobook is a story well-told, with proper flow, intonation, and feeling.
Authors who wish to have a say in their book’s style of narration often do. The goal of an audiobook production is to customize the reader’s experience of the book in a way that is relatable and high-quality.
Rabbit trail: Two years ago, I came down with covid on Christmas Day. In
the spirit of generosity, I shared it with nine family members. While convalescing in my office, my wife, Kelley, “loaned” my truck to three family members so they could drive to Austin, Texas and escape my virus. They spent nearly the entire drive listening to Matthew McConaughy read his memoir Greenlights.
They loved it and by the time they arrived home, began
enjoying the symptoms of my Christmas generosity.
I benefitted most, because it gave me an excuse to get a new truck.
But I digress…
Reason #5: Audiobooks increase your book’s accessibility and availability
How many times have you gone to the bookstore to buy a book only to find that it’s out of stock or on backorder? If you’re an avid reader, chances are very high this has happened to you at least once.
Audiobooks give your reader immediate access to your book. Audible and Spotify will never run out of copies. Readers can stream your book’s content right away, and even download it for consumption when internet access is unavailable.
In our busy world with our short attention spans, you want as few barriers to encountering your work as possible. Releasing your book as an audiobook means that it will be easily available to potential readers all the time.
Register Today For Our FREE Audiobook Webinar
Block out 6:30-7:30 pm on Thursday, May 9 for a free webinar on audiobooks. Here's what you need to know:
“Listen Up: Everything You Need to Know About Audiobooks”
Free Webinar
6:30-7:30 pm MDT
May 9
Register by clicking here.
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