Morgan Freeman's Advice on Your Book Title
Published: Fri, 10/27/23
POWER WRITERS REPORT Set Your Book Title Free! If you ask people to name their top five movies of all time, the chances are pretty high they’re going…
Illumify prospects, clients, and former WAP clients and prospects
Published: Fri, 10/27/23
POWER WRITERS REPORT Set Your Book Title Free! If you ask people to name their top five movies of all time, the chances are pretty high they’re going…
Published: Thu, 10/12/23
SLIDES AND VIDEOS Thank you so much for attending the Illumify writers conference last Saturday. I hope you found it as helpful as I found it…
Published: Mon, 10/02/23
POWER WRITERS REPORT How Much Is A Missed Opportunity Worth To You? I've attended more writers conferences than I can count. They've all been helpful,…
Published: Fri, 09/29/23
POWER WRITERS REPORT Is This What You Need To Do To Sell More Books? "How can I generate buzz for my book?" It's a question that I wish had a…
Published: Tue, 09/26/23
POWER WRITERS REPORT Do You Know What Time It Is? In less than a week, registrations are closing for the Illumify Writers Conference. Only five more…
Published: Fri, 09/22/23
POWER WRITERS REPORT Our Copyeditors Are Much Cooler Than Her! “I can’t believe she did this,” I said to my Senior Editor. “I’m the ghostwriter—but my…
Published: Thu, 09/14/23
POWER WRITERS REPORT Lies! They're All Lies!! Everything your seventh grade English teacher told you is wrong. I still remember Mrs. Shipley standing…
Published: Thu, 09/07/23
POWER WRITERS REPORT What Can Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill Tell You About Writing?You'd Be Surprised! Billy, this is Chad Bradford. He's a relief pitcher.
Published: Fri, 09/01/23
POWER WRITERS REPORT Ready to Up Your Game as a Writer? Writing a book is hard. Like running a marathon. On your hands and knees. In 115 degree…
Published: Fri, 08/25/23
POWER WRITERS REPORT Stagnation or TransformationThe Choice is YOURS How do you overcome disappointment—not only as a writer but as a person? In 2015,…