Published: Thu, 09/26/24
Updated: Thu, 09/26/24
Time is running out on your opportunity to invest in your writing career POWER WRITERS REPORT Time is running out... ...on your opportunity to invest…
Published: Thu, 09/19/24
Updated: Thu, 09/19/24
Even the greatest writers make mistakes. POWER WRITERS REPORT “Can’t repeat the past? Why, of course you can…of course you can.” Reading a variety of…
Published: Thu, 09/12/24
Updated: Thu, 09/12/24
Simply put: Writers conferences make you a better writer. Attend more conferences, become an even better writer. POWER WRITERS REPORT Let's Hone Your…
Published: Thu, 09/05/24
Updated: Thu, 09/05/24
Whether you’re an e perienced writer or a newbie, Greenlights offers valuable insights on how to tell your story. POWER WRITERS REPORT Ah-right, ah-…
Published: Wed, 08/28/24
Updated: Wed, 08/28/24
Do you wants to move beyond the writing basics? Then this year's Illumify writers conference is for you. POWER WRITERS REPORT It's Time to Take the…
Published: Thu, 08/01/24
Updated: Thu, 08/01/24
Here’s the truth that hit me hard: The legacy we leave behind are the lives we touch and the books we write. POWER WRITERS REPORT Donald Thomas…
Published: Fri, 07/26/24
Updated: Fri, 07/26/24
Publishers aren't keeping secrets from their authors. But they often fail to share this important information with them. POWER WRITERS REPORT "She's…
Published: Thu, 07/11/24
Updated: Thu, 07/11/24
Three questions—plus a pro tip—that will bring laser focus to your manuscript and keep your readers engaged. POWER WRITERS REPORT What Would Elphaba…
Published: Fri, 06/14/24
Updated: Fri, 06/14/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT She's a Little OCD,But This Woman Can Definitely Spark Joy In Your Writing In 2018, Marie Kondo became an American sensation. The…
Published: Thu, 05/23/24
Updated: Thu, 05/23/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT Let's Make Your Summer Count! In only four short days, Americans across the US will celebrate Memorial Day, the unofficial…