How Do You Know When Your Manuscript Is Ready?
Published: Fri, 02/23/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT Elsa Has A Message For Many Of You Writers Starting a book is relatively easy. You just write whatever comes to mind. Stream of…
Illumify prospects, clients, and former WAP clients and prospects
Published: Fri, 02/23/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT Elsa Has A Message For Many Of You Writers Starting a book is relatively easy. You just write whatever comes to mind. Stream of…
Published: Fri, 02/16/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT Does Your Gym Look Like This Seven Weeks Into 2024? Here’s a Good News/Bad News flash: We’re already seven weeks into 2024. We’ve…
Published: Mon, 02/12/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT Can You Smell It? Everybody loves fresh. Fresh bread... Fresh flowers... Fresh ideas... Most of the ideas that bounce around…
Published: Mon, 02/05/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT I Wanna Be Like Mark “Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it,” Mark Twain once said. That’s pretty…
Published: Mon, 01/29/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT Never Be the Smartest Person in the Room! At the end of today’s post, I’m going to make an e citing announcement—so please hang…
Published: Sat, 01/06/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT Do You Need Help? “Come with me,” my wife Kelley ordered told me last weekend. “Can I finish reading this chapter?” I asked. “No.
Published: Sat, 12/16/23
POWER WRITERS REPORT Why This Is My Favorite Christmas Album Transcendent books change the world. Transcendent songs change the world. And…
Published: Fri, 12/08/23
POWER WRITERS REPORT What Do You Want For Christmas??? She was only 25 years old when she co-wrote the iconic Christmas hit. No, I’m not talking about…
Published: Thu, 11/16/23
POWER WRITERS REPORT “This may sound like gibberish to you, but I think I’m in a tragedy…” –Stranger Than Fiction In the 2006 film Stranger Than…
Published: Wed, 11/08/23
ILLUMIFY AUTHOR UPDATE Procrastinate to Your Own Peril! Two weeks from tomorrow, we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving. Thank you for choosing Illumify to…