Let's Kill Those Little Darlings With Kindness
Published: Thu, 07/11/24
Updated: Thu, 07/11/24
Three questions—plus a pro tip—that will bring laser focus to your manuscript and keep your readers engaged. POWER WRITERS REPORT What Would Elphaba…
Illumify prospects, clients, and former WAP clients and prospects
Published: Thu, 07/11/24
Updated: Thu, 07/11/24
Three questions—plus a pro tip—that will bring laser focus to your manuscript and keep your readers engaged. POWER WRITERS REPORT What Would Elphaba…
Published: Fri, 06/14/24
Updated: Fri, 06/14/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT She's a Little OCD,But This Woman Can Definitely Spark Joy In Your Writing In 2018, Marie Kondo became an American sensation. The…
Published: Thu, 05/23/24
Updated: Thu, 05/23/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT Let's Make Your Summer Count! In only four short days, Americans across the US will celebrate Memorial Day, the unofficial…
Published: Fri, 05/10/24
Watch The Audiobook Webinar Thank you so much for registering for last night's free webinar, "Let’s Talk Audio Books: Five Reasons Why You Need One."…
Published: Thu, 05/09/24
Updated: Thu, 05/09/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT Millions of People Cannot E perience the Joy Reading**How Will You Reach Them?** In last week's Power Writers Report, I gave five…
Published: Wed, 05/08/24
Webinar Confirmation This email confirms your attendance 24 hours from now in the FREE live webinar… “Listen Up: Everything You Need to Know About…
Published: Thu, 05/02/24
Updated: Thu, 05/02/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT Here's How To Reach Nonreaders With Your Book Did you know that the audiobook market is e pected to grow 25 percent every year…
Published: Mon, 04/29/24
Updated: Mon, 04/29/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT Can They Hear What Your Book Is Saying? According to Forbes, “Audiobooks are the fastest-growing segment within the book…
Published: Sat, 04/06/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT You'd Be Frustrated, Too, If You Were Writing Your Book With A Typewriter! There’s nothing more frustrating than spending weeks…
Published: Thu, 03/14/24
POWER WRITERS REPORT Jack Black Has Your Back True confession: Nacho Libre, starring Jack Black, is one of my favorite movies. Our family has watched…